Revie Rae Arts
Commission Prices

Please note: When ordering from Revie Rae Arts, you agree to adhere to my Terms of Service failure to do so will result in cancellation of your order and black list from future commissions. Prices below are for personal commissions only, please contact me for commercial quotes.

All prices are in GBP (UK). All orders include a simple background unless otherwise specified. Detailed character designs, costumes or lack of a clear reference sheet or use of text only descriptions may incur additional charges.

Symmetry Icons

Flat colour: £20Minimal shading and highlights, and a simple pattern background are included free of charge.

Make it a badge for +£3.00 extra!
UK Shipping included | +£2.50 worldwide

Double sided alternate design for £5 extra.

Badge Commissions

You will receive the digital commission and the option to receive a printed and laminated badge.Flat colour: £35
Shaded: £40
Print & shipping:
+£3.00 UK | +£5.00 worldwide

Flat Colour

Bust: £40
Half-body: £45
Full-body: £50
Detailed backgrounds:
Starting at £10. Simple BG are free.
Additional characters:
+75% per character.
Minimal shadows/highlights can be added to flat colours on request. Complex outfits and designs may incur an additional charge.

Full Shading

Bust: £45
Half-body: £50
Full-body: £55
Detailed backgrounds:
Start at £10 extra. Simple BG are free.
Additional characters:
+75% per character.
Complex outfits and designs may incur an additional charge.

Reference Sheets

Reference sheets include a front and back view and 2 simple close up details (such as eyes, hands and tail) as standard. Additional details can be added for an extra fee.2 view reference sheet: £75
Add a side view: +£25
Simple Outfits (one view): +£20 each
Complex Outfits: +£25.00 each
Headshots: +£15.00 each
Highly complex designs may incur an additional charge. Please ask for a quote.

Telegram / Twitch Emotes

Emoji-style stickers on a custom drawn headshot base. Prices vary based on number of expressions and can include hands / slight posing changes for some stickers.You will receive transparent resized files suited for your chosen platform (Twitch, Telegram, etc) and the original full-size PNG files.10 expressions: £40
20 expressions: £60
Can't decide what expressions to have? Choose artists choice and receive 10% off your order.

Contact me to order: